5 Phases of Healing from Childhood PTSD童年创伤疗愈五阶段(Susan 的心理咨询学习笔记



【【油管搬运】康复的五个阶段 蹩脚的童年仙女 英语字幕-哔哩哔哩】 (视频网址)


We were to be in the hurt that us. is . The are the 5 of . is an . It's not a line.


1. what is to us. A lot of our and are not, as have , some kind of . When we the of , we will find how many of our are . We can let go of all that on . We don't have some kind of for . We are not out who will hurt us. We are not to our . The from are to our . Yes are but at its root It's a that and body . This our . It can . It can , , , , , . It can make it to make when we need to make a . We are not a bad . Our are not our .


2. the root of most of our , . and in can and that in the body. . , of from a to a . This in turn to of and that our , our , our , our , our span, our to stay calm and and not melt down or out at . At this we to when is . What are the that we have it and what are the that seem to set it off?

第二阶段,意识到我们大多数症状的根源是失调 / 调节障碍。儿童期的慢性压力和创伤会导致大脑和神经系统的变化,然后这个变化又会影响身体的每个系统。情绪调节障碍。神经调节障碍,包括大脑活动的调节障碍,从流畅变成紊乱的活动模式。而这又导致荷尔蒙和化学信号的调节障碍,这些荷尔蒙和化学信号决定着我们的免疫系统、我们的心脏功能、我们的生殖系统、我们的新陈代谢、我们的注意力持续时间、我们在关键时刻不会情绪崩溃或者头脑空白,保持平静和觉知能力。在这个阶段,当调节障碍发生的时候,我们会学会注意到这个现象。当我们有调节障碍时,会有哪些迹象?会有哪些诱发因素会导致调节障碍?

3. We can to . We can to when it's and take to get calm and and able to . can stop from into an , then into a full day or days of . When we are , we are a lot less to lose our or have an or feel . We are less to and we have a way all that to free . And when we are free, so many in our life .


(上文提到的技术可以参考这个视频【【油管搬运】如何应对童年创伤带来的情绪失调 蹩脚的童年仙女 中英双语字幕-哔哩哔哩】)

We are not . We are not . We are . And this can be .


to with . PTSD is an to the to with . When we are , it's to . When we have more and , it can help us get more .


4. Face our own self- . we ruin our with . we are . we have or with food and that's our . are all . But when we are and a more to , we can to that we like to . That is work to keep our own day to in a . Life gets much more open and much more .


5. Shed our old idea of . in or that will work, or , I just can't. Or to who are to be with we do. This is the we are able to who we are, the real us and the that we were to into the . The . The of joy and and with .



标签: 心理咨询 学习笔记 哔哩哔哩 童年创伤后应激障碍 神经损伤
